
My Approach to Astrology

My astrological practice synthesizes modern and ancient approaches in a consulting environment that honors the life experiences, hopes, dreams, and fears that each client brings. My consultations explore the birth chart as a map of life, more than as a psychological portrait. I view my role as akin to a weatherwoman, helping clients to understand the planetary weather headed towards them throughout the chapters of life.

I use traditional rulerships and whole sign houses but take the outer planets, asteroids, and fixed stars into consideration. I use Hellenistic timing techniques (annual profections and zodaical releasing, among others) as well as secondary progressions, transits, and solar returns. I consider myself a lifelong student of astrology and am continually expanding my astrological knowledge. 

The fifth house is the place in the natal chart corresponding to children, creativity, pleasure, recreation, and fun. As a fifth house Libra moon, I've found this house a fruitful lens for exploring creativity in the natal chart. As such, my consultations are a natural fit for anyone looking for insight into their creative path. However, I welcome all types of clients and strive to translate the cosmic symbolism of the natal chart into an accessible and ultimately helpful consultation. 

All consultations are confidential and take place on Zoom. Please see below and the FAQs for more information. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates and information about my astrological practice.

**Please note: I am currently not taking new clients. Please check back later.**


I currently offer the following consultations:

*A great place to start!*

A good natal consultation can last a lifetime. In this robust session, we take a deep dive into what your birth chart says about you and your life.

Using a blend of modern and ancient techniques, we explore what the natal chart says about life purpose and envision constructive ways in which it might manifest.

We'll touch on the most important current transits and timing events, providing a big picture overview of where you are in your life. For a full treatment of current timing cycles a Year Ahead consultation may be recommended.

1 hour 15 minutes 

Year Ahead

*For returning clients only*

An in-depth exploration of your astrological forecast for the next year using a blend of traditional and modern timing techniques.

I layer solar returns, transits, eclipses, planetary cycles, progressions, and time lord techniques, including zodiacal releasing, which examines the chapters of life over decades, over your natal chart to reveal a nuanced portrait of the year ahead.

What kind of astrological weather is ahead? We'll find out! If you're a new client, please book a Natal consultation first.

1 hour

Life Journey 

*Best value!*

Think of this as one long, luxurious consultation split into three sessions, loosely organized around the themes of past, present, and future.

We go deep in this consultation series, beginning with significators of childhood, home, and the past, and then moving into adulthood, career, relationships, and all the rest over the next sessions, all tailored around specific topics of interest and life experience.

I integrate a number of traditional and modern astrological techniques, including astro-cartography, into these sessions, depending on the client and their line of inquiry. I especially love the insight that secondary progressions, layered with transits, can provide about our evolving self throughout life.

3 1-hour consultations 

Client Feedback:

"Thank you so much again for all of your hard work on my charts and your detailed consultation. I could tell you really care about your clients and put in a lot of work! Grateful for it!"

"I am so grateful for the time spent to help me situate my current situation within the larger picture of my natal chart. It has already helped me consider how to deal with challenges that arose the very next day! I decided to adopt some of the lessons from stars and planets that I have not known about in the past and approach these challenges with strengths found beyond my most overt, conscious elements. I am very much looking forward to returning for a year ahead review around my birthday. Thank you! CK"

"I recently had a remarkable astrological consultation with Sophie of Fifth House Astrology. Though I’ve had several forecasts done in the past by others, this one was substantial and very different. It’s not so much that I learned anything particularly surprising about myself. Instead, it confirmed on a deep level some of the important themes of my life, much of which I’ve been thinking about recently. It was kind of like seeing the basic frame of a building, or the bones of a body—the structures that hold together all the rest."

"Sophie has an approach that’s not exactly determinant nor is it overly psychological. Instead, she views one’s particular astrology as the 'weather forecast' of one’s life. So if it’s going to rain, you take an umbrella. If the sun is shining, you should take advantage of a nearby beach. It helps to conceptualize one’s strengths and gifts, and also the challenges that might occur over time. It was extraordinary to see how closely her interpretation of the astrology fits with what I already know about my life’s course." 

Terms of Use / Disclaimer

It is a legal requirement that I include a disclaimer. In accordance with the law I must state that all readings I give are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. I am not qualified to give legal, financial, medical, psychological, psychiatric or any other specialist advice. If you require such advice you should seek a licensed professional. My services are not available to anyone under the age of 18 unless they are requested by a parent or guardian. By using my services you confirm that you are over 18 and that you understand and agree with these terms of this Disclaimer.

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